Thursday, November 10, 2011

October 2011

Pumpkin Patch

Matt as his hero Harry Potter at the Pumpkin Walk in Logan which is a long story

Corbelly's at Thanksgiving Point. We couldn't pull him away from this.

Cornbelly's with the Kelsall's

Wyatt and Luella who really didn't pay much attention to eachother the entire time.

Matt's Voldemort pumpkin and Kenzie's Mickey (Meeska) pumpkin

Mickey Mouse getting ready to trick or treat

He loved trick or treating until some guy answered his door with a mask on.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Summer Fun

Thomas the Train in Heber with cousins and Grandma and Grandpa.
Thanksgiving Point petting zoo with cousins
Happy 4th of July

After the 4th Wyatt became obsessed with fireworks and every sound he heard outside (and in... dad?) he was sure was fireworks.
Playing in the pool in Huntsville where we played with all kinds of cousins

Pineview Reservoir playing in the sand

Sand Castles with daddy. Wyatt has a fun dad.
See what I mean?

Wyatt loves to swing. He will swing forever if you let him.

Swinging with Grandma

Wyatt and his best friend Annie. He loves her and I'm pretty sure she loves him too!
Swimming in Alpine

Swimming with cousins and Uncle B
Smore's at Grandmas. Mmmm delish!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The beginning of a new chapter

Well I am officially a full time mom. My last day at American Express was July 1st. It was a very bittersweet day. I have been waiting so long to be home with Wyatt but I was sad to say goodbye to my friends at work. The people I work with became more than coworkers but actual friends and I will miss seeing them daily. I think they know who I really am, I mean we spent hours upon hours together day after day how could they not? I am glad I was able to experience being a full time working mom. I think I will appreciate my time home more. Being a mom is hard but I would dare say being a working mom is ten times harder. So far I've only been home a week and its been refreshing. Wyatt has been so fun. He says and does the cutest things. He is no longer a baby but a little boy. It's amazing how fast he's grown. I also want to say how blessed we have been to have my cousin Sheri and Matts mom to watch Wyatt while I worked. We couldn't have had better care takers for our little guy. He has learned so many things from being with my cousin Sheri and his best friends Morgan and Annie. I give them most of the credit for him being so well spoken and such a happy boy. Here are a couple videos I got this week that I'm glad I didn't miss.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

And now Deep Thoughts by Kim

I keep looking at my blog and thinking I should update it. I don't really know what to say. I guess I will just type and see what happens. I am thinking I should write about the summer but honestly I can't think of anything worth noting aside from the fact that our good friends Smether moved to Chicago and we miss them dearly. Wyatt is growing like a weed. He is so smart and busy. He's talking up a storm. Everyday he says something new. His little voice is so sweet. He wants to be down and into everything and anything. We're working on discipline but are not sure what is appropriate and one look into those big brown eyes you fold.

Matt got a new job in April. His employer sent him to Pennsylvania for a sales training. His superiors were not sure if they should send him because he was so new to the industry (life insurance). During his week long training he was also judged and tested. Matt came home #1 in his class. He beat out colleagues who have been in the industry for years. If you know Matt this doesn't surprise you. I am so proud of him. He is such a hard worker and I know someday soon I will be able to be a stay at home mom because of it.

For me, this has been the weirdest year of my life. So many changes along with heart ache. I have watched many people I love suffer. I have felt insecurities that I thought I would never feel. I have felt betrayal, anger and confusion. I'm not sure what is meant to be learned from this. Maybe nothing. Maybe it's just others using their free agency. I am thankful for the health of my family. I love Matt and Wyatt with every fiber of my being. I am too exhausted to do anything else but am looking forward to see where the future takes us.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

Matt and I got married 5 years ago yesterday. I love my Matty.